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Terms and conditions

This document is not the contract of employment therefore the company has no obligation to offer you work at any time, and you are not entitled to a minimum number of hours of work per day, week or year; you are not required to accept any work offered. If the company does offer you work and you accept it, you are required to complete it to the company’s satisfaction. Where the Company offers work to you, it does not give rise to a presumption that it will offer you any further work.


In case the company will contact you to offer the work, it’ll explain what is required and the date on which the work is due to start and end. You should confirm your availability as soon as possible before the start date to the manager via e-mail or using the WhatsApp group where you’ve been allocated. Failure to notify the Company timeously may result in the offer being withdrawn and offered elsewhere.


Your expected working pattern will be most likely between 08:00-17:00, in case of the evening assignments it’s mostly 17:00-23:00, weekends 08:00-13:00 or 08:00-17:00. However, the Company cannot guarantee a set-working pattern and may require you to vary this pattern should the needs of the business require this. This might include variable numbers of hours or different days in any week where work is offered.


You’ll be required to obey and comply with all lawful and reasonable instructions given to him / her by superiors including duties not specifically mentioned but which may be reasonably expected within the scope of work.


You will not to enter into any contracts or other commitments on behalf of the Company without the written consent of the Company;


You expressly agree to submit yourself to alcohol and drugs tests at the Company's discretion, which are occasionally requested by the company’s client.


You will be required to deliver to the Company whenever required to do so, or in any event when leaving the Company, all books of account, records, correspondence, training material, notes, tools, uniform, keys, access cards, fobs, access codes, computer disks, and the like concerning or containing any reference to the business of the Company or the Company's clients. Failure to return the company and the company’s client’s property will result reporting theft to the authorities and may result in deducting the costs of replacement from the last wages. Any of such misconduct may result in delaying the wages until the issue is resolved.

Any documents, information or records or creations but not limited to written instructions, drawings, photographs, computer programs, notes or memoranda relating to the business of the Company, which are made by the company or which come into the your possession while your assignment by the Company, remains the property of the Company and shall be surrendered to the Company on demand and, in any event, on the date of termination of the assignment with the Company. You will not retain any copies thereof or any extracts there from.


You will be responsible for the company’s tools, equipment, access codes, access keys, fobs, log-in applications, log-ins software and good reputation, which has been earned by hard work and dedication of many people. We trust you honour all your colleagues and our carefully prepared procedures by respectful behaviour towards everyone regardless of their religion, culture, gender, skin colour, personal situation or disability.



The pay rate is individually negotiated depending on the individual’s work ethic, skills, ability to achieve the tasks, gained HSE certificates, ability to communicate with the team/head office/client, honesty, speed of learning and applying the company and clients’ policies and procedures. The pay raises and bonuses are reviewed annually.


If the Company makes a payment to you to which you are not entitled, or is more than that to which you are entitled, you agree to allow the Company to recover the amount by deductions from your salary or other payments due to you. Any deductions will normally be made over the same period that any overpayment was made. It is in your interests to regularly check your pay slips. Furthermore, you agree that on leaving the Company, if you owe the Company money or have overtaken your annual leave entitlement the Company may deduct the value of this from your final payment.


The wages are paid weekly, unless the individual failed to attend to previously agreed assignment on 2 occasions without the doctor’s note. In case of any misconduct, any situation that requires further investigation by the Line Manager, the wages will be done on a monthly basis until the issue is resolved.


Due to the company following all health and safety regulations, it is not advised for the pregnant woman to apply for the most offered positions. The company reserves the right to be informed of such condition, disability, health issues to make all necessary arrangements at the workplace, including changing the routine, materials provided etc. if it is possible. All HSE procedures must be followed without a failure and Risk Assessment will need to prove no hazard found to endanger the person involved in work required.



You are obliged to give the Company 2 weeks’ notice to terminate the agreement.

This post is subject to the completion of a 6-month probationary period. At the end of this period if your performance is of a satisfactory standard your appointment will be confirmed. During this period, one week’s notice may be given by either party to terminate.


You are expected to comply with the company and clients’ dress code and PPE, your line manager will explain the details of this, and provide you with any relevant Company policy on this.


Should the need for disciplinary action be deemed necessary, this will be taken in accordance with the Company policy and procedure on disciplinary action. You have a right of appeal against this as outlined in the procedure. Further details are available Company Policy Document available from your manager and via WhatsApp from the head office.


If you have a grievance in relation to your service, then you should follow the procedure outlined in the Company policy and procedure on Grievances. You should initially discuss any grievance with your immediate superior. Further details are available in Company Policy Document available from your manager and via WhatsApp from the head office.


You are required to report any sickness absence as soon as is practicably possible to your line manager and provide certification of sickness in line with Company policy. You might be requested a COVID-19 test results. You will be asked health related questions and failure to provide answers to your current health condition may result in withdrawal of the work offer.


Smoking in company and clients’ premises is prohibited except in those external areas specifically designated for that purpose. Breach of this regulation may result in disciplinary actions being taken, even penalty fines might be installed upon non-compliance. In the extreme situations when the fire brigade was involved or sprinklers were set off, the misconduct would be reported to the authorities and may resolved by court charges.


During the course of your service, you may find yourself in possession of confidential, sensitive or personal information either in relation to the company, its customers or employees. It is a condition of your service and a requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation that you have a duty of confidentiality and a requirement to safeguard such information. You must not discuss or make available any such information whatsoever to any outside individual or organisation including the media. Any breach of this requirement will be considered as serious misconduct and could lead to disciplinary action including dismissal or even reporting you to the authorities, depending on the damages made.


The Company has a strict anti-bribery and corruption policy in line with the Bribery Act (2010). If you bribe (or attempt to bribe) another person, intending either to obtain or retain business for the company, or to obtain or retain an advantage in the conduct of the company's business this will be considered gross misconduct. Similarly accepting or allowing another person to accept a bribe will be considered gross misconduct. In these circumstances, you will be subject to formal investigation under the Company’s disciplinary procedures, and disciplinary action up to and including dismissal may be applied, including reporting you to the authorities.



It is a condition of your service that the company is satisfied on your medical fitness to carry out your duties. Should it be deemed necessary during the course of your service, you may be asked to request a medical report from your doctor or attend for a medical examination from an external Occupational Health Service. This will be for the purposes of assessing your physical or mental fitness to undertake your job and to advise on any reasonable adjustments necessary to support you should that be necessary.


If your service with the Company is dependent upon the possession of particular qualifications or registration with a statutory Body or other Authority; evidence of this must be produced on request. Failure to produce such evidence may lead to the termination of your service. Any additional training or costs required maintaining such qualifications will be at your expense unless specifically agreed otherwise by the Company. Should the Company fund or part-fund such a course or qualification and you leave within 2 years of completing the course, you agree to repay the Company contribution back to the Company or that cost might be deducted from your wages.


The Company will provide you with any necessary on-the-job specific training required; all such training is mandatory for staff. Any induction and associated training identified as part of the probation period should be completed before the end of the probation period. Failure to undertake or satisfactorily complete training when provided may lead to the Company taking action against you including the possible termination your contract.


You will be subject to the terms and conditions as agreed and amended from time to time by company and clients as outlined in its policies, procedures, handbooks and other relevant documents. Access to these documents is available through your line manager or Company Head Office, via WhatsApp and copies can be provided on request.



If you are in agreement with the above terms and conditions, please tick the box after filling your details on:






Restrictive Covenant

On leaving the company, I agree not to undertake provision of the same services / products as supplied by company and clients’ either from my own business, or the employment of a competitor to the Company, for a period of 6 months, unless this is specifically agreed by company and clients’. The Company will only enforce that which is reasonable to protect its business.

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